Most Important Paragraph for SSC 2024 – English 2nd Paper

SSC 2024 English 2nd Paper Paragraphs

SSC 2024 English 2nd Paper Paragraphs

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1.Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on “Drug Addiction”. You should write about 250 words:

(a) What is drug addiction? (b) What are the causes of drug addiction? (c) How does it affect young generation? (d) Why should the young generation have knowledge on drug addiction? (e) Give your own suggestion to get rid of this menace.


Drug Addiction (মাদকাসক্তি)

Drug addiction means strong attraction for taking harmful drugs. Drug addiction has now become a serious problem of our society, especially in the town areas. Many young men and women are falling victims to this. It is a curse which ruins them completely. People become addicted to drugs for many reasons. Frustration is one of them. Unemployment problem, political une lack of love and affection, family problem, etc. lead a man to frustration. Young generations mainly become victim to it. It leads a man to death. Drug addiction destroys us morally, physically and financially. For this reason, a drug addict cannot lead a normal life. As young generations are the future of the country. they should be aware of the harm of drugs. Besides, we cannot allow this to go on unchecked. We must fight against this social cancer. The first thing to do is to highlight its dangerous effect to the people and make them aware of this deadly enemy of social life. The mass media can play an effective role in this respect. Seminars and discussions and debate should be held in schools. colleges and universities. The government alone cannot solve this problem single handed. People must cooperate with it.

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): effective কার্যকর। harmful – ক্ষতিকর। especially – বিশেষজ্ঞ। victim – শিকার। curse অভিশাপ। ruin ধ্বংস করা। completely – সম্পূর্ণভাবে। addicted – আসক্ত। frustration হতাশা। unemployment বেকারত্ব। unrest – অস্থিরতা। unchecked – অনিয়ন্ত্রিত,

অবাধ। deadly মরাত্মক, ভয়ানক। single handed – এককভাবে। cooperate সহযোগিতা করা।

Read more: বঙ্গবন্ধু সম্পর্কে mcq প্রশ্ন জেনে নিন [PDF]

2. Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on “Deforestation”. You should write about 250 words:

(a) What is deforestation? (b) What are the main causes of deforestation? (c) What are the effects of deforestation on men and animals? (d) What are the effects of deforestation on climate? (e) What measures should be taken to stop deforestation? (f) How is it a global problem? (g) How cari deforestation be related to global warming? (h) Why should we prevent deforestation? (i) How will the low-lying countries be affected?


Deforestation (নির্বনায়ন)

Deforestation means the act of cutting down or burning the trees indiscriminately in an area. Nowadays it has become a global problem. There are many causes of deforestation. Among them. population explosion is the main cause of deforestation. People use wood for different purpose. They need shelter, agricultural land, fuel, furniture, etc. For all these reasons people cut trees. There are many impacts of deforestation on human being, fauna, nature and climate. If people cut down trees at random, one day a number of regions will turn into deserts. There will be no rain and as a result, agriculture will face a great crisis. The global temperature will rise and it will cause Greenhouse Effect. The sea level will rise and the low-lying countries of the world will go under water. Moreover, deforestation leads to many ecologically damaging outcomes affecting the flora and fauna of the area, and disturbing the food chain and the hydrological cycle. So, we should prevent deforestation. To get rid of this problem, social awareness can be raised regarding bad effects of deforestation. For this purpose, tree plantation programme can be raised through print and electronic media. Besides. strict laws should be made and implemented to reduce deforestation. After all, if we want to save our planet, we must protect our forests.

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): indiscriminately নির্বিচারে। global problem বৈশ্বিক সমস্যা। population explosion – জনবিস্ফোরণ। shelter আশ্রয়। impact প্রভাব। climate জলবায়ু। crisis সংকট। greenhouse effect গ্রীনহাউজ প্রভাব। ecologyically পরিবেশগতভাবে। damaging ক্ষতিকর। hydrological cyycle জলবিজ্ঞানসংক্রান্ত চক্র। prevent প্রতিরোধ করা। get rid of মুক্তি পাওয়া। social awareness সামাজিক সচেতনতা। raise – বাড়ানো। implement প্রয়োগ করা। protect রক্ষা করা।

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Paragraphs suggestion for SSC student 

3. Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on “Traffic Jam”. You should write about 250 words:

(a) What is traffic jam? (b) What are the causes of traffic jam? (c) What is the effect of traffic jam? (d) When does generally a traffic jam occur? (e) How can traffic jam be removed?/ What are the remedial measures of it? (f) What is your opinion about the problem?


Traffic Jam

Traffic jam means blockade of vehicles on roads and streets. It is an unmoving state of vehicles on the road. It mainly occurs at the crossing point of the road. It is a great problem in urban areas. There are a number of reasons for traffic jams. What contributes a lot to the traffic jam is overpopulation. Unlicensed and unauthorized rickshaws are the main causes of traffic jam. Violating traffic rules and regulations, illegal parking of vehicles on roads also causes traffic jam. Again, narrow roads and frequent digging for development work cause traffic jam. Building materials piled up on roads cause traffic jam too. Whatever the causes of traffic jam may be. I think it is an unbearable problem for the urban people. In our daily activities, we cannot become fast and punctual because traffic jam kilis our valuable time. Office going people, school going children and dying patients fall victim to traffic jam. As people cannot attend their work timely, it leaves a negative impact on our economy. So, it is the bounden responsibility of the authority concerned to solve this problem.. But it is very difficult to solve this problem. It requires united effort to solve this problem. In some places, government should build fly-over. Drivers should be trained and made aware of the traffic rules and regulations. Illegal parking on roads should be banned. Narrow roads should be made spacious. Rickshaws should be removed from main roads. Finally, traffic rules should be implenented strictly. Besides, we should not cross the roads in an indisciplined way. All these measures may be a solution to the traffic jam.

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): blockade অবরোধ। urban শহুরে। violating অবজ্ঞা করা। digging খননকার্য। piled up – স্তূপকৃত। bounden আবশ্যকীয়। responsibility দায়িত্ব। united effort সম্মিলিত প্রয়াস। indisciplined way অনিয়ন্ত্রিত পন্থায়। unmoving state অচল অবস্থা। crossing point চৌরাস্তার মোড়। unlicensed লাইসেন্সবিহীন। unauthorized অননুমোদিত। narrow সংকীর্ণ/সরু। frequent বার বার। unbearable – অসহনীয়। dying patient মৃত্যুপথযাত্রী রোগী। concerned – সংশ্লিষ্ট। implement – প্রয়োগ করা।

Also Read: SSC English 2nd Paper Pie Chart Questions with Solution

4. Write a paragraph by answering the following questions on dengue fever

(a) What is dengue fever? (b) How does the virus of this disease spread among people? (c) What are the symptoms of this disease? (d) What is the treatment of this disease? (e) How can we prevent dengue fever?


Dengue Fever (ডেঙ্গু জ্বর)

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne illness that occurs in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. It is caused by any one of four closely related dengue viruses. This virus spreads among people through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. Symptoms typically begin three to fourteen days after infection. These may include a high fever, severe headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pains and a characteristic skin rash. Recovery generally takes two to seven days. In small portion of cases, the disease develops into a severe hemorrhagic dengue fever This results in bleeding and low levels of blood platelets, and blood plasma leakage. In this stage dangerously low blood pressure occurs. There are no specific antibiotics to treat dengue fever. Antiviral medications are also not indicated for dengue fever. Treatment of acute dengue is supportive care. Paracetamol is recommended for fever reduction and pain relief. Taking sufficient rest is also important. For more severe cases, blood transfusion may be required. Aedes mosquitoes typically lay eggs near standing water in containers that hold water, like buckets, bowls, animal dishes, flower pots and vases. So the best method of preventing dengue includes destroying mosquito habitat and limiting exposure to bites. This may be done by throwing standing water and wearing thick clothes that cover much of the body. Most importantly, everyone’s awareness against dengue can halt the outbreak of this disease.

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): mosquito-borne মশাবাহিত। tropical – উষ্ণমণ্ডলীয়। species প্রজাতি। typically – সাধারণত। infection – সংক্রমণ। severe headache – তীব্র মাথাব্যথা,। vomiting বমি। recovery আরোগ্য, নিরাময়। hemorrhagic – রক্তক্ষরণজনিত। blood platelets রক্তের অনুচক্রিকা। antiviral medication – অ্যান্টিভাইরাল ঔষধ। supportive – সহায়ক। reduction হ্রাস। blood transfussion রক্তদান। preventing প্রতিরোধ। habital আবাসস্থল। hall – থামানো/প্রতিরোধ করা। outbreak প্রাদুর্ভাব।

SSC English 2nd Paper Paragraphs

5. Write a paragraph on “A Moon-lit Night”.


A Moon-lit Night (একটি পূর্ণিমা/জ্যোৎস্নালোকিত রাত) A moonlit night is a night when the moon beams with its full size and gleam. Such a night looks very beautiful. The whole nature takes a heavenly look. People come out of homes so that they can enjoy the glamourous night, especially the cloudless one. People rush on the roads and open square to enjoy the beauties of nature. Some enjoy gossipping, some play pipes in the fields and some others sing songs. The children and women also come out to watch the moon-lit night. They become excited and amazed to watch the beauty of nature. The poets write poems about the moon-lit night. They describe it with their imagination. Even common people try to compose poems in such a splendid situation. A moon-lit night reminds us of the renowned song of Rabindranath Tagore Chander Hashi Bandth Bhengechhe.” I have a memory of experiencing a moonlit night at our village home when I went there during my summer vacation. On that night, the moon was beaming lavishly. The brightness of the moon’s light was so heavy that it looked like almost day light. To see that brilliance of the moon’s light, our joys knew no bound. Infact, a moonlit night is a blessing of the Almighty to all his dearly creatures.

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): heavenly – স্বর্গীয়। glean – অবাক/বিস্মিত। splendid creature – জীব। cloudless মেষশূন্য। imagination কল্পনা। renowned song – বিখ্যাত গান। আলো। glamourous মনোরম। square স্থান, এলাকা। excited উৎফুল্ল। amazed চমৎকার। lavishly – প্রচুর পরিমাণে। brightness – ঔজ্জ্বল্য। brilliance – উজ্জ্বলতা।

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