SSC English 2nd Paper Pie Chart Questions with Solution

Pie chart

SSC English 2nd Paper Pie Chart Questions with Solution

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1. The pie chart below shows the percentages of the ways of news collected by a group of 241 people who use the Internet. Now, write a paragraph describing the pie chart.

Social media 34%
Other media 1%
Print media 14%
Online media 34%
Electric media 17%

Ways of collecting news of internet users.


The pie chart shows the percentages of the ways of news collected by a group of 241 people who use the internet. The pie chart shows that the popularity of online media and social media is on the rise. Internet users are losing their interest in print media. Only 17% of the 241 people depend on print media for credible and reliable news while 34% depend on online media and 34% on social media. To get news promptly, the younger generation prefer online and social media to print media. There are many social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Blog, You-tube, Linked in etc. What are used by 34% of the young generation as the source of news. Apart from these, 17% of the people have news through electric media like television and radio. 1% of the people have news from other media. In fine, we can say that the young generation of the country collect news t’hrough Mobile Phone, Laptop, Tablet, Desktop etc including other modern technologies via Internet.

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): popularity জনপ্রিয়তা। credible বিশ্বাসযোগ্য। reliable – নির্ভরযোগ্য। promptly তাৎক্ষণিকভাবে। in fine – উপসংহারে। young generation – তরুণ প্রজন্ম। depend on – নির্ভর করা।

Read more : নবম ও দশম শ্রেণি : রসায়ন একাদশ অধ্যায় : খনিজ সম্পদ জীবাশ্ম সৃজনশীল প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর

English 2nd Paper Pie Chart Questions with Solution

2. The pie-chart below shows the interest of a secondary school in different subjects. Describe the chart in about 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the chart.

English 17%
Bengali 21%
Science 27%
Mathematics 35%

The pie chart shows the interest of the students of a secondary school in different subjects. From the pie chart it is clear that more students have interest in mathematics. That is, 35% of the students are interested in Maths. 27% of the students are interested in studying Science while 21% of the students have interest in Bengali. The lowest number of students of that school choose English as their favorite subject and it is 17%. From an analytical view it can be said that the school puts emphasis on Mathematics and Science. Obviously it is a very good sign. But at the same time English is also very important in today’s world. English is an international language. It is spoken throughout the world. To cope with the world of globalization, having good command of English is a must. So, effective steps should be taken to make the students interested in learning English. Otherwise, they will lag behind to compete with the advanced world.

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): mathematics গণিতশাস্ত্র। interested – আগ্রহী। emphasis গুরুত্ব। obviously অবশ্য। globalisation – বিশ্বায়ন। compete – প্রতিযোগিতা করা। advanced – উন্নত।

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3. Look at the following pie-chart. It shows the choice of professions by different educated youths in Bangladesh. Now, describe the pie-chart in about 150 words. You are advised to highlight and summarize information given in the pie-chart :

8% Farming
30% Govt. Job
10% ICT Job
15% Foreign Job
25% Private Job
12% Business


The pie-chart shows the choice of professions by different educated youths in Bangladesh. It reveals that in the choice of professions, govt. job is in the first position. 30% of the educated youths of our country prefer government jobs. On the contrary, 25% of our educated youths choose jobs in private sectors. Some of our educated youths want to do jobs abroad and they are 15% of the surveyed youths. There are also some people who like to do business. In fact, 12% people choose business. Some of them are interested in ICT related jobs and it is 10%. And last of all, only 8% of our educated youths opt for farming. From the chart, it could be said that the socio-economic and cultural set up of our country has a great influence on the educated people in choosing a profession. In an agricultural country like ours, it is frustrating that only 8% of educated people like farming as their profession. The govt, should think about it and the educated youth of our country should be motivated to change their mentality in this regard.

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): profession পেশা। prefer – পছন্দ করা। abroad বিদেশে। cultural – সাংস্কৃতিক। influence – প্রভাব। frustrating হতাশাব্যঞ্জক। motivate – উৎসাহিত করা।

SSC English 2nd Paper Pie Chart Questions with Solution

4. Look at the following graph. It shows a comparative selling rate of five kinds of books in Ekushey Boi Mela 2017. Describe the graph in 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the graph.

Science- 3000
Novel- 4000
History- 2000
Story- 1000
Poetry- 500
-This is the selling rates of five types of books


The bar graph shows the comparative selling rates of five types of books in Ekushey Boi Mela-2017. The graph shows that the categories of books are – Science Fiction, Novel, History, Story and Poetry. According to the chart, the highest selling books are novels. About 4000 novels are sold in this Ekushey Boi Mela-2017. Next comes the science fiction category which is the second highest selling category of books. The chart shows that nearly 3000 books on science fiction have been sold in this Boi Mela. According to the given chart, books on history are the third highest rated in regard of selling. About 2000 books of this category have been sold in this mela. Next comes the story books. About 1000 books of this category have been sold in Ekushey Boi Mela 2017. If we look into the selling rate of poetry, it will be apparent to us that this is the lowest selling category. The number

Read more: নবম-দশম শ্রেণির জীববিজ্ঞান সৃজনশীল প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর – ১০ম অধ্যায় (সমন্বয়)

5. The pie chart below shows the sources of air pollution in Dhaka city. Describe the chart in 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the chart.

Industry 17%
Waste disposal 3%
Heating and/or air conditioning 6%
Power plants 14%
Vehicles 60%
Dhaka city’s pollution sources


The pie chart shows the pollution of Dhaka city by five different sources. The sources are the vehicles, industries, power plants, heating or air conditioning and waste disposals. The highest level of pollution is caused by different types of vehicles, and it covers 60% of the total pollution. The second rate of pollution is caused by industries which covers 17% of the total pollution. The third source is the power plants which cover 14% pollution. Heating or air conditioning sources also contribute to pollution which covers 6% of the total. Next comes the rate of pollution caused from waste disposal which covers 3% of the total. From the chart it also becomes clear that the rate of pollution is very close to industries (17%) and by power plants (14%). But the highest level of pollution is caused by vehicles. The lowest rate of pollution has been caused by waste disposal. It is also clear that the rate of pollution by heating and air conditioning is double the rate by waste disposal.

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): pollution দূষন। vehicle যানবাহন। power plant বিদ্যুৎ উৎপাদন কেন্দ্র। waste – বর্জ্য। disposal – ফেলা/নিষ্কৃতি। industry – শিল্প কারখানা।

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