SSC 2024 English 2nd Paper Suggestions For Formal Letter


SSC 2024 English 2nd Paper Suggestions For Formal Letter

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1. Suppose, you are Arif/Arifa. You read in Kazirbag School, Noakhali. There is a big library in your school. But the collection of books and sitting arrangements are not satisfactory. Now, write a complaint letter to your Headmaster about this matter. (বিদ্যালয় গ্রন্থাগারের সুযোগ-সুবিধা বৃদ্ধির জন্য আবেদন।)


11 June 2023

The Headmaster
Kazirbag School Noakhali
Subject: Request for enhancing library facilities.


With due honor I beg to state that we, the students of your school, have been suffering greatly for want of necessary books in the library. It is urgent to take fresh notes on some subjects but the number of books available in the school library is not enough for preparing notes. Besides, the sitting arrangements in the library are not satisfactory. There are not enough chairs and tables or

benches for our sitting in the library. Under the circumstances, I pray and hope that you would kindly take steps to provide necessary books and make sitting arrangements as early as possible and oblige thereby.

Your most obedient pupil
Class-X; Roll no.-03
On behalf of the students of your school.

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): urgent জরুরি। arrangement – ব্যবস্থা/বিন্যাস। satisfactory – সন্তোষজনক। enough পর্যাপ্ত/যথেষ্ট। provide সরবরাহ করা। নবাজ বর্ষের provide – সরবরাহ করা।

2. Suppose, your village is badly affected by the recent flood. The people have been suffering severely due to lack of food and shelter. Now, write an application to the UNO for the relief goods for the affected people. (উপজেলা নির্বাহী অফিসার বরাবর বন্যায় ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত লোকদের জন্য ত্রাণ সামগ্রী প্রেরণের আবেদন।)


14 August 2023
Subject: Request for relief goods for flood affected people
Tajumuddin. Bhola


I, the inhabitant of the village Dalalkandi of Chandpur Union under your Upazila, would like to approach you with the following fact in the hope of getting your benign consideration.

Now Dalalkandi village is inundated with violent flood. Most of the kacha houses have come down to the ground level. The owners of these houses are already homeless. Roadside is their residence. The men of the paka houses have taken shelter on their house tops. Some of them have been town dwellers. A lot of people are suffering from want of food, clothing, pure drinking water, medicine etc. Besides, under the heap of a great havoc they are seeing anything dim. Again, various kinds of epidemic diseases have broken out (প্রাদুর্ভাব হওয়া) like cholera. The old men afflicted with flood have become half dead.

Under above circumstances, I beseech that you would be considerate enough to provide with needful relief goods for the above mentioned famished victims of accursed flood.

Faithfully yours
Tanim Hossain
On behalf of the people of Dalalkandi village

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): Inhabitant – অধিবাসী। benign সদয়। inundate দেয়া। beseech – সবিনয় অনুরোধ করা। famish – ক্ষুধায় মৃতপ্রায় হওয়া। প্লাবিত করা। afflict পীড়া/কষ্ট

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SSC 2024 English 2nd Paper Suggestions For Formal Letter

3. Suppose, you are Arafat/Arefa, a student of class X reading in Rajshahi High School, Rajshahi. There is a lack of quality books in your school library. Now, write an application to the Headmaster on behalf of the students of your school to increase the number of quality booksin the library. (বিদ্যালয় গ্রন্থাগারে মানসম্পন্ন বইয়ের সংখ্যা বৃদ্ধির জন্য আবেদন।)


20 April 2023
The Headmaster
Rajshahi High School

Subject: Request for increasing the number of quality books in the library.


With due honor we, the students of your school, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that we have been suffering greatly for the lack of quality reference and helping books in the school library. It is very necessary to take notes on some subjects for our exam preparation, but the books available in the library are not suitable or enough for making standard notes. 

Under the circumstances. I hope and expect that you would kindly take necessary measures to provide necessary quality books in our school library as soon as possible.

Your most obedient student
Arafat Haque Mithu
Class-X, Roll No.-01
On behalf of the students of your school.w

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): reference বরাত/সূত্র। standard মানসম্পন্ন। expect প্রত্যাশা করা। circumstances পরিস্থিতি। measure ব্যবস্থা।

Read more : নবম ও দশম শ্রেণি : রসায়ন একাদশ অধ্যায় : খনিজ সম্পদ জীবাশ্ম সৃজনশীল প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর

4. People of all sections have to suffer a lot because of load shedding. The economic frame of the country is going to be weak. Now, write a complaint letter to the editor of a newspaper about the problem of frequent load-shedding over the country. (দেশের ঘন ঘন লোডশেডিং সম্বন্ধে জানিয়ে অভিযোগপত্র।) (JB ’22)


09 July 2023
The Editor The Bangladesh Times 1. DIT Avenue Dhaka

Dear Sir,
I would highly appreciate you if you would allow me to express my opinion on the following national issue in the columns of your esteemed daily.
Yours ever.
Ahammad Hossain, Ghorashal.


Load shedding is a vital issue of the country. The necessity and demand of the present electricity consumption is much more than its total production. For this shortage of electric supply. the PDB cuts down its supply in some areas for an indefinite period, which incurs heavy loss. As there is frequent power failure, production in the mills and factories is being disrupted. It also causes economic instability.

The teachers, students and people in the offices have to face a very difficult situation when there is power-cut. Besides, where the power failure is all around, anti-socials and thieves get a chance to indulge themselves in different crimes.

People of every walk of life have repeatedly complained to the relevant authorities but no response is obtained. Now we draw the attention of the government to look into the matter and ensure the regular and normal supply of electricity everywhere in the country.

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): opinion মতামত। consumption ব্যবহার, নিঃশেষকরণ। shortage ঘাটতি। frequent – বারংবার। disrupt ব্যাহত হওয়া। instability অস্থিতিশীলতা। anti-social অসামাজিক। indulge চরিতার্থ করা। relevant সংশ্লিষ্ট। demand চাহিদা। incur ডেকে আনা।

SSC English 2nd Paper Suggestions For Formal Letter

5. Suppose, you are Munawar Salam, a student of Rajshahi Collegiate School. You don’t have a computer club in your school. Now, write an application to your Head teacher to set up a computer club. (বিদ্যালয়ে কম্পিউটার ক্লাব স্থাপনের আবেদন।) Ans.

13 March 2023
The Headmaster
Rajshahi Collegiate School
Subject: Request for setting up a Computer Club in the school.

Dear Sir,

I, on behalf of the students of your school, have the honor to state that we are keenly interested in computers. Though many students of Science Group have taken computer as their main subject, they have no scope to practice computer. Other students also want to be familiar with this revolutionary invention. But our school has not yet taken steps for setting up a computer club. We are also badly in need of an Internet connection in computers as Bangladesh has entered the computer era and access to the internet.

I, therefore, hope that you would be kind enough to take steps for setting up a computer club to widen the horizon of our knowledge.

Yours sincerely,
Munawar Salam
Class X
Section A (Science): Roll No.-1

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): keenly উদ্বোধন। era যুগ। horizon দিগন্ত। গভীরভাবে। familiar পরিচিত। revolutionary invention যুগান্তকারী

6. Suppose, you are Labib/Labiba. You read in Rangpur Zilla School, Rangpur. Your school has a beautiful common room but it lacks modern facilities. Now, write an application to your Headmaster for increasing common room facilities. (কমনরুমের সুযোগ-সুবিধা বৃদ্ধির আবেদন জানিয়ে প্রধান শিক্ষকের নিকট দরখাস্ত।)

LPL Readers (9-10)-78


25 February 2023
The Headmaster
Rangpur Zilla School
Subject: Application for increasing common room facilities.


I have the honor to invite your kind attention to the fact that our school common room does not have modern facilities. In proportion to the number of students, indoor facilities are quite insufficient. Many of us have to keep idle in gossiping during the off period or leisure time. There is only a daily newspaper and a carrom board in our common room. If there are more than one newspaper and some magazines, we can pass our off time by reading those. We also need some more playing instruments. May I, therefore, pray and hope that your honor would be kind enough to provide us more common room facilities and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently
On behalf of the students of Rangpur Zilla School

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): proportion অনুপাত। insufficient অপর্যাপ্ত। idle অলস। leisure time – অবসর সময়। playing instrument – খেলাধূলার উপকরণ।

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