SSC English second paper: Suggestions Synonyms and Antonyms

S.S.C English second paper: Suggestions Synonyms and Antonyms

SSC English second paper Suggestions Synonyms  and Antonyms

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1. The six criteria outline what should be in place before transitioning away from these measures currently in place, such as physical distancing and shutdowns. This slow and strategic response is necessary because the virus spreads rapidly and outbreaks can occur quickly. There are no new vaccines or medicines to prevent or treat COVID-19. Physical distancing measures and movement restrictions are effective in slowing the spread of the virus by limiting contact between people. If these measures are lifted too early or too quickly, it is likely to lead to a sharp increase in COVID-19 cases.

(a) criteria (synonym); (b) outline (synonym); (c) physical; (antonym): (d) slow (antonym); (e) strategic (synonym); (f) necessary (antonym): (g) new (antonym): (h) prevent (synonym); (i) movement (antonym); (j) restriction (synonym); (k) effective (antonym); (l) lifted (synonym); (m) sharp; (antonym); (n) increase (synonym).


(a) criteria (synonym): standard (b) outline (synonym): plan (c) physical (antonym): mental (d) slow (antonym): fast (e) strategic (synonym): tactical (f) necessary (antonym): unnecessary / optional (g) new (antonym): old (h) prevent (synonym): impede / hinder (i) movement (antonym): stillness (j) restriction (synonym): limitation (k) effective (antonym): ineffective / useless (l) lifted (synonym): abolished / removed (m) sharp (antonym): dull (n) increase (synonym): rise / grow

2. Social values underline a set principles of generally accepted norms and behavior of a society. Our forefathers practiced a good number of social values like simplicity, honesty, sincerity, responsibility, and piety. We have replaced those good aspects with complexity, dishonesty, corruption, conspiracy, faithlessness and envy. Our materialistic attitude has made us self- centered and corrupt. We must get rid of these vices and create awareness among all about the negative impacts of our wrongdoings. In order to make a better society, we should create awareness among people about the outcome of their misdeeds. We must have distinctive social values once practiced by our forefather. We should attach importance to the past moral values to bring peace and harmony in the society and make the world better for living.

(a) accepted (antonym); (b) sincerity (antonym); (c) responsibility (synonym); (d) complexity (antonym); (e) envy (antonym); (f) vice (antonym); (g) impact (synonym); (h) awareness (synonym); (i) outcome (synonym); (j) distinctive (synonym); (k) forefather (synonym); (1) importance (synonym); (m) moral (antonym); (n) harmony (antonym).


(a) accepted (antonym): rejected (b) sincerity (antonym): insincerity / dishonesty (c) responsibility (synonym): accountability / duty (d) complexity (antonym): simplicity (e) envy (antonym): contentment / admiration (f) vice (antonym): virtue (g) impact (synonym): effect / consequence (h) awareness (synonym): consciousness / knowledge (i) outcome (synonym): result (j) distinctive (synonym): unique / characteristic (k) forefather (synonym): ancestor / predecessor (l) importance (synonym): significance (m) moral (antonym): immoral / unethical (n) harmony (antonym): discord / conflict

3. Sports are a popular form of entertainment. Many international sporting events are organized from time to time. Most of the events are sponsored by multinational manufacturing companies and business firms. They pay for the sports events in exchange for the right to advertise their products during those events. These events are telecast worldwide by satellite and people all over the world watch them live. As a result, the sponsor’s products receive maximum media coverage giving companies international recognition. This is the only commercial aspect of international sports but there are other aspects too.

(a) popular (antonym); (b) form (synonym); (c) entertainment (synonym); (d) organize (synonym); (e) sponsor (synonym); (f) multinational (antonym); (g) pay (antonym); (h) watch (synonym); (i) maximum (antonym); (j) recognition (antonym); (k) only (synonym); (1) aspect (synonym); (m) international (antonym); (n) other (synonym).


(a) popular (antonym): unpopular / obscure (b) form (synonym): structure / shape (c) entertainment (synonym): amusement / diversion (d) organize (synonym): arrange / structure (e) sponsor (synonym): backer / patron (f) multinational (antonym): domestic / national (g) pay (antonym): receive / get (h) watch (synonym): observe / view (i) maximum (antonym): minimum / least (j) recognition (antonym): ignorance / anonymity (k) only (synonym): solely / exclusively (l) aspect (synonym): facet / dimension (m) international (antonym): national / local (n) other (synonym): alternative / different

Read more : নবম ও দশম শ্রেণি : রসায়ন একাদশ অধ্যায় : খনিজ সম্পদ জীবাশ্ম সৃজনশীল প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর

SSC English second paper Suggestions Synonyms and Antonyms

4. Books are the unique medium through which we contact mighty minds of ages. Books tell us about their feelings, what they said and what they did. Books are one of the greatest friends to us. They introduce us to the best humanity. They are reliable records of the history of the pastmen. A book is a valuable living voice. We can know about the thoughts and rituals of past men through books. We should read good books and avoid worthless ones. A good book is a friend in loneliness and a nurse in ailment. We can find real happiness by reading good books.

(a) unique (antonym); (b) mighty (antonym); (c) humanity (synonym); (d) reliable (antonym); (e) valuable (antonym); (f) ritual (synonym); (g) read (synonym); (h) avoid (synonym); (i) worthless (synonym); (j) loneliness (synonym); (k) nurse (synonym); (1) ailment (synonym); (m) find (synonym); (n) happiness (antonym).


(a) unique (antonym): common / ordinary (b) mighty (antonym): weak / feeble (c) humanity (synonym): humanity (This word has the same meaning as its synonym!) (d) reliable (antonym): unreliable / undependable (e) valuable (antonym): worthless / insignificant (f) ritual (synonym): ceremony / observance (g) read (synonym): peruse / absorb (h) avoid (synonym): eschew / steer clear of (i) worthless (synonym): useless / trivial (j) loneliness (synonym): isolation / solitude (k) nurse (synonym): attendant / caregiver (l) ailment (synonym): illness / sickness (m) find (synonym): locate / discover (n) happiness (antonym): sadness / unhappiness

5. After the flight of Yuri Gagarin, the first human being to travel to outer space in 1961, the Soviet Union decided to send a woman in space. Tereshkova was projected from among more than four hundred Alicante Since the successful launch of the as selected for this spacecraft Vostok-5 on 14 June 1963, Tereshkova preparing for her own flight. On 16 June 1963, she was dressed in space-suits and taken to the spacesuit the launchpad by a bus. After completing her communication and life support checks, she was sealed inside Vostok-6. Finishing two-hour countdown, and physical discomfort for much Vostok-6 launched faultlessly. Although Tereshkova experienced nausea during the flight, she orbited the earth 48 times and spent three days in space. She also maintained a flight log and took photographs of the horizon, which were later used to identify aerosol layers within the atmosphere.

(a) flight (synonym) (b) outer (antonym); (c) proletarian (synonym); (d) applicant (synonym); (e) launch (synonym); (f) began (antonym); (g) prepare (synonym); (h) check (synonym); (i) faultless (antonym); (j) nausea (synonym); (k) discomfort (antonym); (1) orbited (synonym): (m) maintain (synonym); (n) later (antonym).


(a) flight (synonym): trip (taking to the air) / journey (more general) (b) outer (antonym): inner / interior (c) proletarian (synonym): working class / laborer (d) applicant (synonym): candidate (e) launch (synonym): initiate / commence (f) began (antonym): ended / ceased (g) prepare (synonym): get ready / make ready (h) check (synonym): verify / confirm (i) faultless (antonym): flawed / imperfect (j) nausea (synonym): sick feeling / queasiness (k) discomfort (antonym): comfort / ease (l) orbited (synonym): circled / revolved (m) maintain (synonym): preserve / uphold (n) later (antonym): earlier / sooner

6. Grass is a vegetation consisting of short plants with long narrow leaves. The grass family contains some 9000 species, including both terrestrial and aquatic species. No other plant family has been so successful in colonizing a broad range of habitats across the globe. Most grasses have unconscious flowers that are wind pollinated. Certain species are cultivated as food crops. Others are employed in horticulture.

(a) consist (synonym); (b) narrow (antonym); (c) include (antonym); (d) aquatic (synonym); (e) successful (synonym); (f) broad (antonym); (g) habitat (synonym); (h) unconscious (synonym); (i) pollinated (synonym); (j) certain (antonym); (k) species (synonym); (1) crops (synonym); (m) employed (synonym); (n) horticulture (synonym).


(a) consist (synonym): comprise / be made up of (b) narrow (antonym): wide / broad (c) include (antonym): exclude / leave out (d) aquatic (synonym): watery / marine (e) successful (synonym): achieving / victorious (f) broad (antonym): narrow (g) habitat (synonym): environment / dwelling (h) unconscious (synonym): oblivious / in a coma (i) pollinated (synonym): fertilized (specifically by pollen) (j) certain (antonym): uncertain / doubtful (k) species (synonym): kind / variety (l) crops (synonym): harvests / produce (m) employed (synonym): working / having a job (n) horticulture (synonym): gardening / plant cultivation

Synonyms and Antonyms

7. All this was perplexing and upsetting. For at the time I had already made up my mind that imperialism was an evil thing and the sooner I chucked up my job and got out of it the better. Theoretically and secretly, of course I was all for the strugglers and against their oppressors.

(a) perplexing (antonym); (b) upsetting (antonym); (c) imperialism (synonym); (d) evil (antonym); (e) sooner (antonym); (f) chucked (synonym); (g) job (synonym); (h) better (antonym) (i) theoretically (synonym); (j) secretly (synonym); (k) all (antonym); (1) struggler (synonym); (m) against (synonym); (n) oppressor (synonym).


(a) perplexing (antonym): clear / straightforward (b) upsetting (antonym): pleasing / gratifying (c) imperialism (synonym): colonialism / domination (d) evil (antonym): good / virtuous (e) sooner (antonym): later / afterward (f) chucked (synonym): threw / discarded (slang) (g) job (synonym): position / occupation (h) better (antonym): worse (i) theoretically (synonym): in theory / hypothetically (j) secretly (synonym): covertly / clandestinely (k) all (antonym): none / some (l) struggler (synonym): fighter / contender (m) against (synonym): opposed to / contrary to (n) oppressor (synonym): tyrant / despot

8. An ideal teacher knows the art of teaching. He is the master of his subject. He makes his lessons interesting. His method of teaching is convincing and inspiring. An ideal teacher treats his students like his own children. He praises the good work done by them. If a student makes some mistakes, he is never harsh to him. He tactfully makes his student realize his mistake. An ideal teacher is never angry with his students. He believes in simple living and high thinking. He never sets a wrong example before his students. He has high moral values.

(a) ideal (synonym); (b) art (synonym); (c) master (synonym); (d) subject (synonym); (e) make (antonym); (f) method (synonym); (g) convincing (antonym); (h) treat (synonym): (i) praise (antonym); (j) harsh (antonym); (k) mistake (synonym); (1) angry (antonym); (m) simple (antonym); (n) moral (synonym)


(a) ideal (synonym): perfect / exemplary (b) art (synonym): craft / creativity (c) master (synonym): expert / virtuoso (d) subject (synonym): topic / theme (e) make (antonym): break / destroy (depending on context) (f) method (synonym): approach / technique (g) convincing (antonym): unconvincing / unsatisfactory (h) treat (synonym): handle / deal with (i) praise (antonym): criticize / reprimand (j) harsh (antonym): gentle / lenient (k) mistake (synonym): error / blunder (l) angry (antonym): calm / pleased (m) simple (antonym): complex / intricate (n) moral (synonym): ethical / righteous

9. Democracy is the system of government which allows freedom of speech, religious and political opinion. It means fair and equal treatment for the citizens without social class division. In fact, in a democratic country people elect their representatives who work for the people. Free and fair election is the precondition for democracy. In a democratic country, people enjoy the rights of food, cloth, shelter, éducation, medical treatment and other facilities.

(a) system (synonym); (b) allow (synonym); (c) freedom (synonym); (d) opinion (synonym); (e) fair (antonym); (f) equal (antonym); (g) division (antonym); (h) elect (synonym); (i) rights (synonym); (j) cloth (synonym); (k) shelter (synonym); (1) education (synonym); (m) treatment (synonym); (n) facility (synonym).


(a) system (synonym): structure / organization (b) allow (synonym): permit / authorize (c) freedom (synonym): liberty / independence (d) opinion (synonym): viewpoint / belief (e) fair (antonym): unfair / biased (f) equal (antonym): unequal / inconsistent (g) division (antonym): unification / merging (h) elect (synonym): choose / select (in a formal voting context) (i) rights (synonym): privileges / entitlements (j) cloth (synonym): fabric / material (k) shelter (synonym): refuge / asylum (l) education (synonym): learning / knowledge (acquired through education) (m) treatment (synonym): care / management (in a medical context) (n) facility (synonym): resource / amenity

SSC English second paper Synonyms and Antonyms

10. Sincerity is the root of success in all work. One can go a long way if one does a job with sincerity. The great men are sincere because they know that sincerity is the key to success. Those who do not follow the rules of sincerity, can never go a long way. Sincerity is the secret of victory. If any work is not done with sincerity, one will never receive desirable output from it. So, we should be sincere in every walk of life.

(a) success (antonym); (b) job (synonym); (c) great (antonym); (d) because (synonym); (e) know (synonym); (f) follow (antonym); (g) rule (synonym); (h) never (antonym): (i) victory (synonym): (j) receive (antonym); (k) desirable (antonym); (1) output (synonym); (m) sincere (antonym); (n) walk (synonym).


(a) success (antonym): failure (b) job (synonym): position / occupation (c) great (antonym): terrible / awful (d) because (synonym): since / as (expressing reason) (e) know (synonym): be aware of / understand (f) follow (antonym): lead / disobey (depending on context) (g) rule (synonym): law / regulation (h) never (antonym): always / continually (i) victory (synonym): triumph / win (j) receive (antonym): give / donate (k) desirable (antonym): undesirable / unpleasant (l) output (synonym): result / yield (m) sincere (antonym): insincere / dishonest (n) walk (synonym): stroll / ambulate

11. Courtesy is a virtue in a man. It goes without saying that courtesy costs us nothing but gives a lot. So, you should be courteous. You must have politeness. People will disrespect and dislike you if you are discourteous. Nobody likes discourtesy. Try to be gentle from your student life. You can win the heart of your enemy by being courteous. You can ensure removal of hatred and anger by embracing your enemy. Courtesy can remove the bitter relationship and improve mutual understanding and cordiality among people.

(a) virtue (synonym); (b) a lot (synonym); (c) courteous (antonym); (d) discourtesy (synonym); (e) win (antonym); (f) enemy (synonym); (g) ensure (synonym); (h) hatred (antonym); (i) anger (antonym); (j) enemy (antonym); (k) remove (synonym); (1) bitter (antonym); (m) mutual (synonym); (n) cordiality (antonym).


(a) virtue (synonym): moral excellence / goodness (b) a lot (synonym): abundance / plenty (c) courteous (antonym): rude / impolite (d) discourtesy (synonym): impoliteness / rudeness (e) win (antonym): lose (f) enemy (synonym): adversary / opponent (g) ensure (synonym): guarantee / make certain (h) hatred (antonym): love / affection (i) anger (antonym): joy / happiness (j) enemy (antonym): friend / ally (k) remove (synonym): eliminate / take away (l) bitter (antonym): sweet / pleasant (m) mutual (synonym): reciprocal / two-way (n) cordiality (antonym): hostility / antagonism

12. A good writer may be a good reader. A good reader may be a good speaker or make good recitation. Nothing of this is impossible for a man if he is not lazy. The main thing is sincerity. Seriousness should also be taken under consideration. If a man is serious, he can make it impossible to be possible. If we become serious in our intentions, we can shine in life.

(a) good (antonym); (b) speaker (synonym); (c) recitation (synonym); (d) impossible (antonym); (e) lazy (antonym); (f) sincerity (synonym); (g) seriousness (synonym); (h) under (synonym); (1) consideration (synonym); (j) make (synonym); (k) possible (antonym); (1) serious (antonym); (m) intention (synonym); (n) shine (synonym).


(a) good (antonym): bad / evil (b) speaker (synonym): talker / orator (c) recitation (synonym): reading / delivery (of a memorized piece) (d) impossible (antonym): possible (e) lazy (antonym): diligent / hardworking (f) sincerity (synonym): honesty / genuineness (g) seriousness (synonym): solemnity / gravity (h) under (synonym): beneath / below (i) consideration (synonym): thought / reflection (j) make (synonym): create / build (depending on context) (k) possible (antonym): impossible (you already answered this one) (l) serious (antonym): frivolous / lighthearted (m) intention (synonym): purpose / aim (n) shine (synonym): gleam / glitter

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