HSC 2024 English 2nd paper : Appropriate Sentence Connectors

Appropriate Sentence Connectors

HSC 2024 English 2nd paper : Appropriate Sentence Connectors

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1. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:

In life we all want to be perfect. (a) _____________ But man is basically imperfect. (b) _____________ So, to attain perfection is impossible. (c) _____________ We have to strive for it all through our life. (d) _____________ It is not easy to be great because we have to cultivate certain virtues. (e) _____________ Truthfulness gives rise to many other virtues. (f) _____________ We should be truthful. (g) _____________ Honest people are valued everywhere. (h) _____________ Dishonest people are hated by all. (i) _____________ Therefore, we can conclude that to be great is more important than to be perfect. (j) _____________ We should try to be great. (k) _____________ But one’s idea of perfection changes from person to person. (l) _____________ The idea of perfection varies throughout our life. (m) _____________ The road to perfection is something that we learn and understand along this journey of life. (n) _____________ Because learning how to be perfect is basically a life-long deal.


(a) Indeed,

(b) However,

(c) Thus,

(d) Continuously,

(e) Integrity,

(f) Therefore,

(g) Ethical individuals,

(h) Whereas,

(i) Consequently,

(j) Thus,

(k) Nevertheless,

(l) Consequently,

(m) As a result,

(n) Hence.

2. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:

No one can stop the onward march of time. (a) _____________ Time and tide wait for none. (b) _____________ So, we should not waste a single moment in vain. (c) _____________ Therefore, we should make the proper use of every single moment of our life. (d) _____________ The students should understand the value of time. (e) _____________ It is a matter of great regret that some of the students pass away their valuable time in Facebook. (f) _____________ Instead, they should prepare their lessons well. (g) _____________ Because they cannot do well in the exam if they kill their time. (h) _____________ They always have a poor preparation for the examination. (i) _____________ Consequently, they cannot stop wasting time using cell phone and Facebook until it is too late for them. (j) _____________ If they continue to waste their time, they can’t make their children realize the importance of time. (k) _____________ Parents have a great role to play in this aspect. (l) _____________ They should not allow their children to use cell phone all the time. (m) _____________ On the contrary, they should teach their children how to use time properly. (n) _____________ In conclusion, students should understand the importance of time and use it properly. 


(a) Ideally,

(b) However,

(c) Thus,

(d) Continuously,

(e) Integrity,

(f) Therefore,

(g) Ethical individuals,

(h) Whereas,

(i) Consequently,

(j) Thus,

(k) Nevertheless,

(l) Consequently,

(m) As a result,

(n) Hence,

3. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:

Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. (a) _____________ Our agriculture depends on the mercy of Nature. (b) _____________ Farmers plough their lands and sow seeds in time. (c) _____________ If there is sufficient rain, people can reap a good harvest. (d) _____________ But rain is not always beneficial to our agriculture. (e) _____________ Sometimes it rains so much, (f) _____________ it causes floods. (g) _____________ Consequently, flood destroys our crops, houses, roads, etc. (h) _____________ In contrast, without water our agriculture is lifeless. (i) _____________ If it does not rain in time, the farmers cannot grow the crops easily. (j) _____________ They do not have a good harvest. (k) _____________ Therefore, people become very helpless. (l) _____________ Despite our immense scientific advancement, we are not yet able to subdue natural forces according to our advantage. (m) _____________ Nature still affects our life greatly. Answer:

Answers :

(a) Indeed,

(b) Additionally,

(c) Moreover,

(d) Nevertheless,

(e) Occasionally,

(f) Resulting in,

(g) Thus,

(h) On the other hand,

(i) Consequently,

(j) As a result,

(k) Hence,

(l) Furthermore,

(m) Nonetheless,

HSC 2024 English 2nd paper : Appropriate Sentence Connectors

4. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:

Once upon a time there lived a cobbler in a village. He lived from hand to mouth, but he was not unhappy at all with his condition. (a) _____________ He was very happy and contended with his life. (b) _____________ One day, a rich man came to his shop and learnt from him that he had no savings for future. (c) _____________ The rich man became very astonished. (d) _____________ He felt pity for the hard-working cobbler. (e) _____________ Therefore, he wanted to give the cobbler some money. (f) _____________ But the cobbler did not want to take it. (g) _____________ However, the man persisted. (h) _____________ Consequently, the cobbler agreed and took the money home. He went to bed as usual but couldn’t sleep at all. He was always thinking that the thief might come to steal the money, (i) _____________ so he kept awake. (j) _____________ He took the money and buried it under .

(a) In fact,

(b) Furthermore,

(c) Upon hearing this,

(d) Therefore,

(e) Consequently,

(f) Nevertheless,

(g) Nonetheless,

(h) Eventually,

(i) Consequently,

(j) the ground.

05. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:

Bangladesh is faced with some great problems (a)____population problems, unemployment problems, terrorism, etc. (b) ____ feeding the ever-growing population is a big challenge for Bangladesh in the coming days (c) ____ when the country loses cultivable land every day due to excessive pressure on land for human settlement (d) ____. River erosion and other non-agricultural uses contribute to the loss of agricultural land. (e) ____, we need some immediate steps to meet the challenge. (f) ____, we need more imaginative and effective organizations of productions. (g) ____, we can take up “contract farming” for promoting food production. (h) ____, we can go for land reclamation in the Bay of Bengal. (i) ____, it is essential to improve agricultural production in general. (j) ____, support from the public sector is necessary to generate and promote technologies. (k) ____, we need biotechnology research and development of hybrid crops and animal species. (l) ____, we must develop partnerships with multinational private sector firms and institutions; (m) ____ increasingly growing population, we are to resort to new and productive devices. (n) ____ Grammar

06. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:

Health is an asset to human life (a) ____, a healthy man can earn money and wealth. (b) ____ health is compared to wealth. (c) ____it gives us both bliss and happiness. (d) ____, health can enable us to enjoy our life. (e) ____ It is not easy to maintain a sound health. (f) ____, we have to follow some rules. (g) ____,we have to take a balanced diet. (h) ____we must take physical exercise regularly. (i) ____, we should have adequate sleep everyday. (j) ____, we need to know how adequate sleep determines our health. (k) ____, most adults need 7 or more hours of good-quality sleep regularly. (l) ____ inadequate sleep may cause high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, etc. (m) ____, sleep deprivation can even cause hallucinations and delirium. (n) ____, we should lead a decent life.

07. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:

Smoking in public places is strictly prohibited in some countries. (a) ____, Bangladesh government has issued a ban on smoking in public places. (b) ____. Smoking is a very injurious to our health. (c) ____ It is a very dangerous habit (d)____ can cause fatal diseases like bronchitis, cancer, tuberculosis, high blood pressure, kidney and heart diseases. (e) ____, it also pollutes our environment. (f) ____can harm non-smoker. (g) ____ in my family there is not a single smoker. (h) ____ the environment of our home always remains fresh. (i) ____ Some people think smoking is a part of fashion. (j) ____, they are completely wrong. (k) ____, they are asked to show any benefit of smoking, they argue (l) ____ it relieves them of mental sufferings. (m) ____ they claim that smoking removes their loneliness. (m) ____, not everyone agrees with them. (n) ____ not all the smokers are not of the same opinion.

08. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:

A lion was drinking water from a brook. _______ [a] A lamb was also drinking water from the downstream of the same brook. The lion saw the lamb and decided to devour it. _______ [b] to accomplish his evil design. _______ [c] He hit upon a plan. _______ [d] He was thinking about how to _______ [e]. The lion complained that the lamb was disturbing him by muddying the water. But the lamb said that he was drinking water from downstream. _______ [f] The question of muddying the water on his part did not arise here. _______ [g] The lamb argued that it was the lion that was muddying the water for him as he was drinking water from upstream. _______ [h] The lion grew into a rage. _______ [i] He said that perhaps _______ [j] to take revenge and kill the lamb. _______ [k] The lamb did not pay heed to the lamb. _______ [m] Unreasonably and falsely just to eat him. _______ [n] The lion retorted that _______ [o]. The lamb said that he was not born a year ago. _______ [p] The lion argued that it was his father, not he. _______ [l] The lion wanted to eat the lamb. _______ [q] The lion blamed the lamb _______ [r].


(a) Also,

(b) Decided

(c) To fulfill his scheme

(d) Devised

(e) Confront the lamb

(f) The lamb retorted

(g) Thus,

(h) Argued

(i) Furious,

(j) The lamb offended him before

(k) To seek revenge

(l) Furious,

(m) Ignoring

(n) Unjustly

(o) The lamb was at fault

(p) It was his father

(q) Despite innocence,

(r) For supposed wrongdoing.

Read more : HSC 2024 English 2nd paper Narration : Special Uses of Words & Phrases

HSC 2024 English 2nd paper Sentence Connectors

9. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:

Tea is one of the most popular drinks of the world. It refreshes our mind. (a)_____ It comes in a variety of different tastes. (b)_____ Some people like it sweet, while others like it spicy. Tea is also a good source of vitamins and minerals. (c)_____ There are milk tea, lemon tea, black tea, green tea etc. (d)_____ Tea is widely preferred in our country. To make a cup of milk tea, you require a little water, some tea leaves, sugar and milk. (e)_____ You have to boil the necessary amount of water in a pot. When the water is boiled, pour some tea leaves on it and leave the mixture on a stove for some time. (f)_____ Then strain the tea through a sieve. (g)_____ Pour the liquid into a cup through a filter. Add milk and stir gently. (h)_____ Your cup of tea is ready for you to drink. (i)_____ Doctors suggest taking green tea. (j)_____ Green tea contains antioxidants which is very beneficial for health. (k)_____ Doctors forbid to take milk tea more than two times a day. Green tea keeps us away from many diseases. (l)_____ It prevents ageing. (m)_____ Add some sugar to improve the taste of a cup of milk tea. (n)_____ We should develop the habit of drinking green tea. (o)_____ By taking green tea regularly we will be able to enjoy a longer and more healthy life.


a) Relaxation.

b) Personal preference.

c) Variety of options.

d) Different flavors available.

e) Boil water.

f) Let it steep.

g) Strain into cup.

h) Add milk and stir.

i) Particularly green tea.

j) Antioxidants.

k) Limit milk tea.

l) Slows aging.

m) Enhance flavor with sugar.

n) Encourage green tea.

o) Promotes longevity.

10. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:

Soil is necessary for life (a)______. Most of our foods come from plants (b)______. It is true that plants grow on soil again (c)______. Meat comes from animals that live on plants (d)______. If we do not give food to the soil, plants will become weak (e)______. Soil is essential for cultivation (f)______. Natural and inorganic manure are necessary for cultivation (g)______. Compost manure is widely used in cultivation (h)______. But excessive use of pesticides in cultivation can cause harm to the soil (i)______. Agriculture scientists discourage the farmers to use pesticides (j)______. They opt for a method of catching pests in a trap (k)______. To promote the use of this method, we have to make the farmers aware of the adverse effects of using too much pesticides in their crop-lands (l)______. In this way, soil pollution can be prevented (m)______. Education is essential in all respects. So, we must educate our children (n)______ so that they can become good citizens of the Country.


(a) Indeed,

(b) Similarly,

(c) As well,

(d) Consequently,

(e) Thus,

(f) For agriculture,

(g) Furthermore,

(h) Additionally,

(i) However,

(j) Consequently,

(k) Therefore,

(l) Hence,

(m) Thus,

(n) Accordingly.

HSC English 2nd paper Sentence Connectors

11. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:

The old sailor spoke so strangely (a)______ that the guest could hardly hear him. (b)______ The guest stood still. The feast began (c)______. He could see the other people eating and drinking, but for some reason he could not move to join the others. The old man told him about his last journey on the sea. They had sailed away to the south (d)______. It was a long journey across the cold grey sea (e)______. Finally, they had arrived in a strange land. The sea there was frozen (f)______. The ice was all around them. The big sails flapped open wide (g)______ as the strong wind blew them quickly through the icy waters. The weather was very cold (h)______. There were no birds and animals in that snow-covered country. But one day the sailors saw an albatross flying towards the ship (i)______. The men were pleased to see it. They gave it food and water (j)______. It came to the ship every day (k)______. But one day God became very angry with them (l)______. No one knew why. They called the bird an albatross (m)______. One day the old sailor killed the bird (n)______. After that the sailors had to face a terrible situation (o)______. His companions, being extremely angry with him, hung the dead albatross round his neck as a punishment.


(a) Indistinctly,

(b) Consequently,

(c) Meanwhile,

(d) Extensively,

(e) Nonetheless,

(f) Surrounded,

(g) And,

(h) Nevertheless,

(i) Approaching,

(j) Regularly,

(k) Consistently,

(l) For unknown reasons,

(m) And,

(n) Unexpectedly,

(o) Consequently.

12. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:

There are a good number of reasons why students in Bangladesh fail in English. (a)______ English is a foreign language. (b)______ Many students have no good feeling for English. (c)______ Teaching a foreign language becomes very difficult when the learners are not mentally prepared to receive it. (d)______ English teachers can hardly find out a technique suitable for all the students (e)______. They fail to make the language learning interesting (f)______. The motto of the questions in public examinations inspires memorizing rather than learning the language. (g)______, students can be successful in learning English if teachers are trained well. Students should be encouraged to learn four skills of language. The four skills of language are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Every teacher should put emphasis on the four skills of language. (h)______ they should lay importance to communicative approach. (i)______ spontaneous communication of a language helps one learn it eastly. (j) _____ they should communicate with their friends in English (k) _____ they are at school or college. (l)______ they can develop this skill by communicating with their parents or siblings. (m)_____ they can easily learn English through a communicative approach. (n)______ should be involved in a communicative approach. (n)_____, should be involved in a communicative approach.

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