HSC Question Bank 2024 English 2nd Paper: Special Uses of Words & Phrases

HSC Question Bank 2024 English 2nd Paper: Special Uses of Words & Phrases

HSC Question Bank 2024 English 2nd Paper

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HSC Question Bank 2024 English

Passage no one :

01. Complete the sentences with suitable phrase or words given in the box:

Phrase/Word | | |—|—| | there | | | was born | what does…look like | | as soon as | let alone | | had better | it | would rather | | what’s it like | have to |

(a) Time is very valuable. We _______ utilize time properly.

(b) I _______ take a taxi than walk home. It is already too late.

(c) Long ago _______ lived a mighty king Kubla Khan. He built an amazing palace in deep dark forest.

(d) _______ watching a horror film at midnight? You are really scared.

(e) It is winter. You _______ buy a coat.

(f) _______ the balcony _______? It looks very beautiful but it is really small.

(g) Bangladesh _______ as an independent state on 16 December 1971 after nine months bloody war against the occupation Pakistan Army.

(h) _______ was in China that the art of Bonsai originated perhaps more than 1000 years ago.

(i) I cannot ride a bicycle _______ a motor cycle. I have no money to buy any of them.

(j) _______the rain stopped, I started for home. [RB 23]

Ans : a. have to b. would rather c. there d. whats it like e. had better f. what dose look like g.was born h. it i. let alone j. as soon as . 

02. Complete the following sentences with suitable words/phrases given in the box:

Phrase/Word | | |—|—| | there | | | was born | what does…look like | | as soon as | let alone | | had better | it | would rather | | what’s it like | have to |

(a) Rupa _______ take up the profession of teaching than be a nurse. She thinks teaching is a noble profession.

(b) Edmund Burke was an orator, writer and shrewd politician. He _______in 1729 in England.

(c) He cannot teach in a high school, _______ in a university.

(d) _______ is difficult to regain lost health. So, we should always take care of our health.

(e) _______ flows a river beside our village. The river is useful to us in many ways.

(f) Sarika is an examinee, She _______ study a lot to make a good result.

(g) _______ Honesty _______? I think it to be a noble virtue.

(h) Rita is ill. We _______ go to see her. She will be happy to see us.

(i) The girls fell sick _______ they had foods. The foods were contaminated.

(j) _______ an elephant _______? I have never seen it before.

Ans: a. would rather b. was born c. let alone d. it e. there  f. has to g. what’s….like h. had better i. as soon as  j. what does……look like 

03. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box

Phrase/Word | | |—|—| | there | | | was born | what does…look like | | as soon as | let alone | | had better | it | would rather | | what’s it like | have to |

(a) A good citizen _______ perform a lot of things. These things will enable him to become a true patriot.

(b) _______ is no fish here. It’s a swimming pool.

(c) Mr. Habib is an honest man. He _______ starve than take bribe.

(d) _______ walking alone through a forest? I had never faced such a situation.

(e) _______ she finished her work, she called her father.

(f) Sumi: Mom, _______ a fox _______?

Mother: Well, it is somewhat like dog.

(g) He is very miserly. He doesn’t help his neighbors, _______ the villagers.

(h) I went to my village home on foot. _______ took me two hours to reach there.

(i) The weather is getting worse. I _______ start for home. My parents will be anxious for me.

(j) Tenny son was a great victorian poet. He _______ in England.

Ans : a, has to b. there c. would rather  d. what’s it like e. As soon as f. what does…..look like g. let alone h. it i.as soon as j. wasb born

HSC Question Bank 2024 English 2nd Paper

passage no two :

HS 04. Complete the sentences with the suitable phrases/words given in the box

Phrase/Word | | |—|—| | there | | | was born | what does…look like | | as soon as | let alone | | had better | it | would rather | | what’s it like | have to |

(a) Anika can’t afford a bus ticket __________________ air ticket.

(b) It may rain today, you _____________ reach home earlier.

(c) __________________ is many years since we first met. How time does fly!

(d) As his brother met an accident, he needs to go to hospital _____________ possible.

(e) We _____________ develop our view about hartal and strike. Let’s change our destructive culture.

(f) There _____________ been remarkable changes in the behavior of our young generation.

(g) Maria Manda is a promising footballer of our country. She _____________ in a remote village, Kalsindur.

(h) __________________ having integrity in one’s character? It is the best quality of a man.

(i) He is very poor but honest. He __________________ starve than cheat anybody.

(j) ________ a squirrel ________?

Ans : a. let alone b. had better c. it d. as soon as e. have to f. would rather g. what if h. what’s like i. would rather j. what does 

05. Complete the sentences with suitable words/phrases given in the box below:

Phrase/Word | | |—|—| | had better | would rather | what’s…. like | | used to | as soon as | | what does….. look like | feel like | | as if | there | what if |

(a) Jolly is my friend, she _____________ sing in a choir, but she gave it up for some unavoidable reasons.

(b) The world economy is passing through a great crisis due to war situation. The world leaders _____________ concentrate on the economy and security of the common people.

(c) We went to John’s office yesterday. He behaved _____________ he had not known us.

(d) __________________ a dinosaur _____________? Have you ever seen it?

(e) We are waiting outside. _____________ you finish your dinner, don’t delay to join us.

(f) He is so honest that he _____________ die than cheat.

(g) __________________ the ice had cracked? You would have disappeared into the icy water.

(h) You told me about a French novel. __________________ the novel__________________?

(i) I am very thirsty. I _____________ having a nice cool glass of lemonade.

(j) __________________ exists no life in the Mars.

Ans: a. used to b. had better c. as if d. what does look like e. as soon as f. would rather g. what if h. what’s like i. feel like j. there

06. Complete the following sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box

Phrase/Word | | |—|—| | was born | would rather | what does… look like | had better | as soon as | | what’s…like | have to/has to | let alone | there | it |

(a) Manners make a man. Students _____________ practice good manners in everyday life.

(b) You look exhausted. You _____________ take rest to refresh yourself.

(c) Raihan has not yet got 1st dose of COVID-19 vaccine, _________ booster dose.

(d) Our spring is very charming. During spring, various kinds of flowers bloom. _____________ seems that everything has got a new life.

(e) Ria: _____________ the frozen mountain peak _____________?

Purnima: It looks like a white dome.

(f) Kazi Nazrul Islam is our rebel poet. He _____________ in churulia west Bengal.

(g) The sky is cloudy and it may storm at any moment. So, we should start our journey _____________ possible.

(h) __________________ your Family? I belong to a nuclear family.

(i) I _____________ learn than quarrel with them.

(j) __________________ was a time when people used to travel on foot or riding animals.

Ans: a. have to b. had better c. let alone d. it e. what does look like f. was born g.as soon as h. what’s like  i. would rather j. there 

Q7:Complete the sentences with the suitable phrases/words given in the box

Phrase/Word | | |—|—| | was born | would rather | what does… look like | had better | as soon as | | what’s…like | have to/has to | let alone | there | it |

(a) The tennis match restarted ______________ the rain had stopped.

(b) In England, most school children ______________ wear a uniform even when it rains heavily without any gap.

(c) In our country, rainy season is very different. During this season, ______________ rains heavily without any gap.

(d) Socrates was a great Greek philosopher. He ______________ in 469 BC. He spoke against the traditional Greek beliefs and so he was sentenced to death by drinking hemlock.

(e) Long ago, ______________ lived a mighty warrior, Kublai Khan. He built an amazing palace in a deep dark and mysterious forest.

(f) A warrior ______________ die than surrender to enemies. He loves his country more than his life.

(g) We ______________ take an umbrella. It may rain today.

(h) ______________ the weather _____________ today?

(i) Baby: Mom, _____________ a ghost_____________?

(j) _____________ has been many years since i saw him. So, i cannot recognised him.

Ans: a. as soon as b. had better c. it d. was born  e. there f. would rather g. had better h. what’s like i. what does look like j. it                                        

Q8: Complete the sentences with the suitable phrases/words given in the box

Phrase/Word | | |—|—| | was born | would rather | what does… look like | had better | as soon as | | what’s…like | have to/has to | let alone | there | it |

(a) Your performance is not satisfactory. You will ______________ be careful in future.

(b) Mr. X is an honest man. He ______________ die than steal.

(c) I am a poor student. I cannot buy my necessary books, ______________ a smart phone set.

(d) You have failed in the test examination. You ______________ start reading attentively from today.

(e) Madhusudan Dutta is an epic poet. He ______________ was born at Sagardari in Jashore.

(f) I had a bad luck. ______________ I reached the station, the train left.

(g) ______________ the Bay of Bengal ________? My friend is going there for a visit tomorrow.

(h) _____________ it ______________ traveling by an air? I have no idea about it.

(i) Recently I have visited the Sundarbans. ______________ are tigers in it.

(j) ______________ is many years since I saw him last. Today I cannot recognize him.

Ans: (a) have to (b) would rather, (c) let alone, (d) had better, (e) was born
(f) as soon as (g) What does…look like (h) What’s… like (i) there (j) it

Q9: Complete the sentences with the suitable phrases/words given in the box

Phrase/Word | | |—|—| | was born | would rather | what does… look like | had better | as soon as | | what’s…like | have to/has to | let alone | there | it |

(a) These kids are fun-loving. They ______________ play than study.

(b) She is an irresponsible person. You can’t trust her with your dog, ______________ with your child.

(c) A: ________ your new office________?

B: I love it. The environment is very peaceful.

(d) The show resumed ______________ the power supply was restored. It was a great relief for the spectators.

(e) I have to meet my aunt in 15 minutes. I ______________ go now or I will be late.

(f) The weather is very hot and humid. ______________ is expected that it will rain this evening.

(g)______________ goes a proverb that unity is strength. So, we must be united till we reach our goal.

(h) In England, school children ______________ wear uniforms. What about Bangladesh?

(i) Shakespeare _________ and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon, England.

(j) Son: Dad, ______________ an Arctic fox looks?

Father: I’ve no idea. But you can always Google the term and find out.

Ans: (a) would rather, (b) let alone, (c) What’s… like (d) as soon as, (e) had better,
(f) It, (g) there, (h) have to, (i) was born, (j) what does…look like

Passage three :

এইচএসসি ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র কমন সাজেশন-২০২৪ – HSC English 2nd Paper Common Suggestion-2024

Q10: Complete the sentences with the suitable phrases/words given in the box

Phrase/Word | | |—|—| | was born | would rather | what does… look like | had better | as soon as | | what’s…like | have to/has to | let alone | there | it |

(a) We have not decided yet where we are going. ______________ booked the tickets.

(b) I ______________ lead a simple life than earn a lot of money illegally.

(c) ______________ has been many years since I saw him.

(d) Have you ever seen an octopus? ______________ it _____________ ?

(e) Socrates was a great Greek philosopher. He ______________ in 469 BC.

(f) The sailors were terrified. ______________ were no birds or animals in that snow covered country.

(g) He is not at home now. ______________ he returns, I will ring you.

(h) I hear you have joined a new job. _________ your new boss_________?

(i) You are always late in attending class. You ______________ be on time.

(j) I _____________ get to the railway station by five or else I may miss the train.

Ans: (a) let alone, (b) would rather, (c) It, (d) What does…look, (e) was born, (f) There, (g) As soon as, (h) what’s…like, (i) had better, (j) have to

Q11: Complete the sentences with the suitable phrases/words given in the box

Phrase/Word | | |—|—| | was born | would rather | what does… look like | had better | as soon as | | what if | provided that | let alone | as if | would you mind |

(a) I can’t remember the name of the story, _____________ the details about the different characters. I read the story many years ago.

(b) I am too tired to talk. I can no longer give you company. You ______________ leave me and let me take rest.

(c) By working hard, he had reached the highest peak of success. You can also reach your goal _____________ you work hard.

(d) I think something is wrong between Tanni and Munni. They are acting _____________ they did not know each other.

(e) ______________ watching the film with me? I am afraid that there may have some horrors in the film.

(f) Take some emergency medicine with you _____________ you fall ill during your journey?

(g) Khaled _____________ resign his job than tolerate injustice. He has moral courage to raise voice against injustice.

(h) ______________ it stops raining, I will go to play football.

(i) Student: Sir, _____________ a wild cat _____________?

Teacher: A wild cat is larger and stronger than an ordinary cat.

(j) He is my friend for the last five years. But I did never asked him where he _____________.

Ans:  (a) let alone, (b) had better, (c) provided that, (d) as if, (e) Would you mind, (f) What if, (g) would rather, (h) As soon as, (i) what does…look like, (j) was born

এইচএসসি ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র ১০০% কমন সাজেশন-২০২৪ ||HSC English 2nd Paper 100% Common

Q12: Complete the sentences with the suitable phrases/words given in the box

Phrase/Word | | |—|—| | was born | would rather | what does… look like | had better | as soon as | | what’s…like | have to/has to | let alone | there | it |

(a) The examination is close at hand. I ______________ study seriously.

(b) Zahir Raihan was one of the most talented filmmakers in Bangladesh. He ______________ on August 19, 1935.

(c) You do not know how poor Sohel is. He cannot buy a cell phone, _____________ a desktop.

(d) Your mother is ill. So, I think you ______________ go home early.

(e) We have spent much time. We should now conclude the meeting _____________ possible

(f) __________the earth __________? It looks like an apple.

(g) ______________ is no fish in the pond. It is used as a swimming pool.

(h) We ______________ sacrifice our lives than live under the subordination of another country. It is a different taste to live in an independent country.

(i) ______________ it _____________ swimming in the river? For the first time, it seems new experience for all.

(j) People are getting sweated easily today. ______________ seems the humidity is higher.

Ans: (a) have to, (b) was born, (c) let alone, (d) had better, (e) as soon as, (f) What does…look like, (g) There, (h) would rather, (i) What’s…like, (j) It.

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