SSC English 2nd Paper Dialogue with Solution

SSC English 2nd Paper Dialogue with Solution

SSC English 2nd Paper Dialogue with Solution

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1. Suppose, you are Swapon/Shapna and your friend is Nisha. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend about the duties and responsibilities to save people from COVID-19. (কোভিড-১৯ থেকে মানুষকে মুক্ত রাখতে দায়িত্ব ও কর্তব্য সম্বন্দ্বে দুই বন্ধুর মধ্যে সংলাপ।)


Shapna: Hi. Nisha! How are you?

Nisha : Fine. What about you?

Shapna: I am also fine. But a matter makes me thoughtful.

Nisha : What’s the matter? Share it with me.

Shapna: Sure. Have you noticed a thing that people are now very ignorant of COVID-19? They don’t follow the preventive measures against COVID-19.

Nisha : Yes. People don’t wear masks now. And they don’t maintain social distancing at all.

Shapna: Right you are. People are not seen using hand sanitizer after returning from outside. Now the question is what can we do regarding this? Don’t we have any responsibility about this?

Nisha : Of course. We have to make people aware of the importance of wearing mask and maintaining social distancing.

Shapna: Right! It’s our responsibility to save people from COVID-19.

Nisha : We have to make them realize that COVID-19 is still prevalent in many parts of the world including Bangladesh.

Shapna: That’s right. We have to counsel them to use hand sanitizer and wash hands with soap for about 20 seconds.

Nisha : Ox. We’ll start advising people from right now.

Shapna: Thank you a lot for your support.

Nisha Thank you too. :

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): ignorant – অজ্ঞ। preventive প্রতিরোধমূলক, প্রতিষেধক। responsibility – দানি prevalent – বিদ্যমান। counsel পরামর্শ দেওয়া।

Read more: নবম-দশম শ্রেণির জীববিজ্ঞান সৃজনশীল প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর – ১০ম অধ্যায় (সমন্বয়)

2. Write a dialogue between two friends about price hike of daily commodities. (নিত্য প্রয়োজনীয় দ্রব্য- সামগ্রির মূল্য বৃদ্ধি সম্পর্কে দুই বন্ধুর মধ্যে সংলাপ।)


Myself: Good morning. How are you? Where are you going?

Mridul: Good morning, Ragib. I’m well. I’m going to the market to buy some necessary things. Are you also on the way to market?

Myself: Yes. But I’m afraid of the prices of essential commodities.

Mridul: I’m so so. Actually the prices of our daily necessaries are getting higher and higher. A middle class man like me finds it so difficult to survive.

Myself: Right you are. If the price of any goods once rises, it never comes down. And it is sometimes illogical. I think a selfish business syndicate is mainly responsible for this situation.

Mridul: I don’t know why the govt. doesn’t take strict initiative against this syndicate. Is there any understanding between these two sides?

Myself: People say that the govt. has ultimately nothing much to do with that. Because the syndicate is so powerful that it can be fool all the concerned authorities.

Mridul: So what should we do? The sufferings of the lower class people know no bounds. Something must be done in this field.

Myself: I think we the general mass have to protest against it with a strict voice.

Mridul : Right you are. At first we have to be united. If we protest it unitedly the govt als has to be bound to take necessary initiatives in this regard.

Myself: Right you are. Thank you.

Mridul: Thank you too.

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): illogical অযৌক্তিক। business syndicate – ব্যবসায়িক পরিষদ। initiative ultimately – পরিণামে, চূড়ান্তভাবে। befool বোকা বানানো।

3. Suppose, you are Ebad and your friend is Rifa. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend about tree plantation. (বৃক্ষ রোপণের গুরুত্ব সম্পর্কে দুই বন্ধুর মধ্যে সংলাপ।)


Ebad : Hello friend! How are you and where are you going?

Rifa : My God! You are here? I am so so and was going to you.

Ebad : But you are in a hurry. Anything wrong with you?

Rifa: Yes, a report of the Green Party regarding tree cutting culture is greatly tormenting me.

Ebad : see. To save our green environment Green Party is emphasizing on afforestation instead of deforestation any more.

Rifa : What is afforestation?

Ebad: Afforestation means planting tree systematically.

Rifa: Yea, tree plantation? Trees give us shelter, shade, food and other facilities such as maintenance of the ecosystem for which natural ingredients go their own way smoothly. The trees are, in a word, the port of all living beings under the sun.

Ebad : But a matter of regret that these are being cut down purposely. Consequently nature is losing her ecological balance. And –

Rifa : And ecological factors are at sixes and sevens.

Ebad : Therefore, we have no alternative but to save the environment through more and more tree plantation campaigns.

Rifa : That is, you want to say that the necessity of tree plantation is needless to mention anymore, do you?

Ebad : Yes.

Rifa : Thank you very much. Bye.

Ebad : You are welcome too.

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): torment পীড়িত করা। deforestation বন নিধন, নির্বনীকরণ। afforestation – বৃক্ষায়ন, গাছ লাগানো। systematically বীরাক্রমে, পদ্ধতিগতভাবে। maintenance ব্যবস্থাপনা। ecosystem বাস্তুসংস্থান। ingredients – উপাদান, উপকরণ। purposively – উদ্দেশ্যপূর্ণভাবে। alternative বিকল্প।

4. Suppose, you are Bakul and your friend is Nayon. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend on the benefits of early rising. (সকাল সকাল ঘুম থেকে ওঠার গুরুত্ব।)


Bakul: Good morning!

Nayon: Good morning!

Bakul Won’t you go to school today, Nayon?

Nayon: Yes, I’ll.

Bakul: But it’s already 8:15 am. You should start for school at 8:00 am, because your school begins at 8:30 am. Certainly you’ll be late today.

Nayon: Actually I couldn’t get up timely.

Bakul: This often happens to you. This is because you keep late hours. Consequently you get up late and feel drowsy. Actually you don’t know the benefits of early rising.

Nayon: Would you explain the benefits of early rising?

Bakul: Of course. The benefits of early rising are many. You can inhale the fresh air of the morning. Besides, you can enjoy the serene atmosphere prevailing in the morning.

Nayon: What are the other benefits?

Bakul: You can have an opportunity to take a morning walk which is very conducive to good health. You’ll feel fresh all day if you can cultivate the habit of early rising.

Nayon: That’s great. Is there any benefit about doing everyday activities?

Bakul: Of course. You’ll have enough time to complete your everyday activity. Consequently you’ll be able to complete your work in time.

Nayon: Thanks a lot for your great advice.

Bakul: You’re welcome.

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): consequently – পরিণামে। drowsy ঘুম-ঘুম ভাব। atmosphere – পরিবেশ। serene শান্ত, নির্মল। opportunity – সুযোগ। conducive – উপকারি।

Dialogue with Solution

5. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about your preparation for the coming examination. (পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি সম্বন্দ্বে দুই বন্ধুর মধ্যে সংলাপ।)


Rashida: Hello Rina, how are you?

Rina : I’m not so good. I couldn’t continue my studies for about fifteen days, because of my illness.

Rashida: Don’t worry. You are a brilliant student, you’ll be able to get over this. Rina : Yet, I’m a little bit worried. Anyway, tell me about your preparation.

Rashida: I’ve completed revising all the subjects but for English. You know I’ve a little weakness

Rina : in English. So I’m anxious about this subject. stil sam But you did not do so bad in English in the previous exam. So don’t worry. I think you’ll do better in the SSC exam too.

Rashida: Thank you for your assurance. Now tell me about you.

Rina : But for mathematics I have confidence in almost all subjects. I’m afraid of this subject although I’ve completed the syllabus.

Rashida: But in the test exam you have cut a good figure in mathematics.

Rina : It’s right, nevertheless I think I’ll cut a sorry figure in this subject. Rashida: I’ts your false fear. Be confident. You’ll overcome your problem.

Rina : Thanks. I expected your remark to be true.

Rashida: Thank you.

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): anxious উদ্বিগ্ন। assurance আশ্বাস। confidence আস্থা। nevertheless – তথাপি। brilliant – মেধাবী, উজ্জ্বল।

SSC 2024 English 2nd Paper Dialogue with Solution

6. Suppose, you are Tomal/Jessica. Your friend’s father has fallen in a road accident recently. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend about road accidents and how to prevent it.(সড়ক দুর্ঘটনার কারণ ও প্রতিকার সম্পর্কে দুই বন্ধুর মধ্যে সংলাপ।)


Tomal : How are you, Nayon?

Nayon : Not so well. My father has fallen in a road accident recently.

Tomal : It’s very sad. How is he now?

Nayón: Now he is a little bit well. It would take time to recover fully.

Tomal: Actually everyday many people fall victim to road accidents. Consequently irreparable losses are caused to lives and properties. In some worse cases, people lose their valuable lives.

Nayon: It’s really a matter of great concern. Do you know the causes of road accidents?

Tomal : I think reckless driving, increase of unlicensed and faulty vehicles, vehicles laden with more passengers and goods, violation of traffic rules, unskilled drivers are basically responsible for road accidents.

Nayon : Unplanned roads, irregularities and corruption of traffic police are also responsible for road accidents.

Tomal: Right you are. Jaywalking is also responsible for road accidents.

Nayon: Well, what’re the remedies of road accidents?

Tomal : I think, first of all, reckless driving should be stopped at any cost. Secondly, those who violate traffic rules should be given exemplary punishment and penalty. Thirdly, unlicensed and unfit vehicles should be seized and destroyed. Fourthly, more flyovers and foot over bridges should be built; besides, our roads should be widened.

Nayon : Public awareness also should be raised to obey traffic rules.

Tomal : Yes, I agree with you. Thank you very much.

Nayon: Thank you too.

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ): consequently ফলে, কাজেই, পানি নামে। irreparable – অপুরনীয়। concern উদ্বেগ, দুশ্চিন্তা। unlicensed অনুমতিপত্র-বিহীন। violation লঙ্ঘন। irregularities অনিয়ম। jaywalliking অসাবধানী/বেপরোয়া ইফাহাটি। remedies- প্রতিকারসমূহ। reckless বেপরোয়া। destroyed – ধ্বংসপ্রাপ্ত।

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